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Thomas Steirer

Thomas Steirer

CEO, Native Star, Inc.

Thomas Steirer, a member of the Tonawanda Seneca Nation (Turtle Clan), has enjoyed a 20+ year, multi-faceted financial industry career focused on Native American finance and economic development. Since graduating from Santa Clara University with a degree in finance, Thomas has gained the experiences of working for investment banks on Wall Street, commercial banks serving tribes, then working directly and indirectly with dozens of tribal nations throughout Indian Country as a consultant / informal advisor, tribal enterprise board member and entrepreneur. 

Thomas has been a licensed securities professional, certified financial literacy trainer of trainers, certified homeownership HUD 184 advisor and is now a multi-industry entrepreneur. His mission is to bring opportunities and resources to tribal nations to foster economic development in industries ranging from renewable energy to federal contracting to healthcare and others. Empowering tribal leaders with the knowledge and resources to facilitate the transition to renewable, sustainable energy is a key priority for Thomas; not only to directly benefit tribal communities but also to explore opportunities to pursue for-profit ventures. 

In his personal life, Thomas enjoys traveling the world (with a special fondness for Southeast Asia) exploring one tropical island paradise after another, scuba diving and learning about other indigenous cultures. At home in Lake Tahoe, Thomas is an avid fitness enthusiast who enjoys a wide range of outdoor activities in and around the lake and is especially happy shredding trails on his mountain bike. 


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